Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 2

We had a really rough night last night!  We knew it was going to be hard but last night was one of the hardest things to witness!  The nurse couldn't really control his pain and after many calls to the doctor and dealing with "Momma Bear", she was able to give some relief.  As soon as he fell asleep, they were in to take blood, etc.  Everyone says the hospital is not a place for sleep.....I totally agree.  Today, through a lot of tears, he was able to transfer to a wheelchair and go around the hospital for a bit. 

The following picture is John Thomas in the playroom.....a little less than thrilled and you can tell by his precious face, he's hurting. 
John Thomas:  "Why do I have to have this fixator and be in the hospital?  Why do I have to hurt?"
Parents:  "We don't know the answers to those questions and in fact; we're wondering the same thing ourselves.  But have you heard the word FAITH?"
John Thomas:  "yes"
Parents:  "Do you know what that means?"
John Thomas:  "kinda"
Parents:  "It means believing and hoping with all of your heart that Jesus is going to take care of matter how bad it looks right now.  We have to believe that and take it day by day."
John Thomas:  "OK"  (tears running down his face)
Oh how our hearts hurt right now. Please, dear Jesus, take away this pain and heal our boy!
John Thomas misses his sister very much...we all do.  He was able to FaceTime with her but was really too weak to carry on much of a conversation.  He also misses his puppy, Paisley. He loved his picture from her.
Dr. Paley thinks we may be released tomorrow....just depends on how well he can get around.   We'll go back to Quantum House after he's released and start the dreaded physical therapy. Thank you for your prayers.....they're carrying us through this dark time. 
#GodIsFaithful  #EyeOfTheTiger

We're praying for an amazing 2016,
Brad and Janay

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What a day!

It is sunny and a very humid 88 degrees here in West Palm Beach.  I think it was 34 degrees when we left home on Monday.  We love the palm trees!

John Thomas was in a lot of pain after surgery.  It was so heartbreaking to watch!  Praise the Lord for Nurse Ellen.  As soon as John Thomas was admitted into her care, she has been able to keep his pain managed.  We are so grateful! 

Here's the first glimpse of the fixator.   Since the caps are orange, John Thomas said it's for the Longhorns.    Oh how this smile melts our hearts!

John Thomas loves Rocky!  He has seen all of the movies and even recently watched the latest one, Creed.  You can imagine his delight when Brad found Rocky III on the TV....I think they're going to have all of the Rocky movies on this channel tonight.  High Five, Jesus!

We have a long road ahead of us!  Dr. Feldman said that the hip did collapse and hopefully this fixator with 6 pins will do its job.  John Thomas will wear this for 4 months....we've actually already scheduled the removal for May 5th.  There is a chance that another surgery will be needed.  Brad and I are praying along with you, our prayer warriors, that this will heal our Mr. Man and no more surgeries will be needed.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we begin physical therapy and pin cleaning tomorrow:   trying to get used to our "new normal".   Through your generosity, love, and prayers, we believe with all of our hearts that John Thomas is on his way to BIG steps! 

All our love,
Janay and Brad

Almost time.....

Almost glad he was given some "happy juice".  He was getting so nervous.  Praying for a successful surgery and recovery.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

We're here!

Quantum House will be our home away from home for the next 2 weeks.  It houses up to 10 families whose children are being treated at St. Mary's.  We have our own private bedroom and bathroom but share a kitchen, dining room, and playroom.  John Thomas is already excited about meeting new friends and playing golf on Wednesdays!  The staff has been so wonderful in welcoming us.  Special thanks to our angel, Jennifer Scott, for making the arrangements for us to stay here.  It's very rare that there is an opening.

Today was a day for pre op tests.  Even though we really didn't have to wait that long at these appointments, it was hard because we know what's ahead of us. What has seemed like an eternity of waiting is now here....tomorrow is the big day.   It was reassuring for us to see this map.  People from all over the world come here for treatment.  Why?  Because this is the best place to be for perthes and limb lengthening.

Dr. Paley is on vacation, so Dr. Feldman will be doing the surgery tomorrow.  It is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) and our arrival to the hospital is 6:00 a.m.  The stay in the hospital can be 1 to 3 days....depending on his recovery.  It' still hard to imagine the pain that Mr. Man will need to go through for the next 4 months.  Praying that we are able to take one day at a time.....sometimes even hour by hour.  Thank you for your sweet comments on FB, texts, messages, and verses of scripture that we're clinging to.  This has been my favorite one today:

Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9

Hug your kids super tight tonight....we're sure missing Jules but know that she's taken care of.  Thanks  Neecy, Cinny, Jeanne, Sara, and June for welcoming her into your homes.  Thanks to my sweet Daddy and Lollie for taking care of our furry little girl, Paisley.  Until tomorrow....

Janay and Brad

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Our cup overfloweth!

Wow!  We are speechless!  Thank you for your generosity and kindness!  Special thanks to our cousin, Laurie, for setting up the account.  We really have no words that describe our gratitude.  Thank you to Co Co, my 5th grade teammates, and EIS staff for your generous gift.Thanks to the Coppell Administrative team for your gifts, as well.  We will be able to get John Thomas everything he needs for his recovery thanks to amazing people that we've met along the way.

 Thanks to my Bonham girls.....forever steadfast and faithful friends.

Since I was a kid,  I have been a Texas Longhorn fan.  Adam Bonnette has made us Aggie supporters for life.  Adam emailed his Aggie network the Go Fund Me link and there was an overwhelming amount of support from people that we've never met within two days.   I've always heard about the "Aggie family", and because of Adam, we got to experience it first-hand.  Perhaps it's time for us to trade in our burnt orange for some maroon shirts.  Adam- thank you for reaching out to us.  We are forever grateful!  #gigem #GodIsFaithful

All our love,
Janay and Brad

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Another surgery is needed

After many hours of waiting, Dr. Paley told John Thomas and Brad that he would need another surgery.  It seems that the bone is growing away from the socket.   The surgery 10 months ago did exactly what it was supposed to do.  The bone grew without any collapse- and that has been our steadfast prayer.   Here is the x-ray.

The surgery's official name is a hip distraction with an external fixator.  We have scheduled the surgery for Dec. 30th.  This is going to be a very painful process for our Mr. Man.  He will wear this for 4 months and be on crutches.  He will spend several nights in the hospital and will need to stay in Florida for a minimum of 2 weeks.  Here is an x-ray of an external fixator.
Here is an example of what it could look like on John "external view".  Brace yourself...

We are still in shock and trying to "process" all of this information.   John Thomas was very upset as expected when he was told the news of another surgery and getting "that thing" put on his leg.  Jules has been the steadfast big sister!  She says that she will take good care of her little brother...and knows that it's going to be a tough job!
Here's what we know- we serve an awesome God!  We believe that he will heal John Thomas in these next 4 months and after this, will be well again.    We have the most amazing family and friends.  Your texts, emails, hugs, FB posts, are so appreciated and uplifting.  There is absolutely no way that we could get through this without your support.  We are grateful for your continued prayers and love for our family.  God's got big things in store for Mr. John Thomas....and with His mercy and grace, beyond a shadow of a doubt, we will witness big steps for John Thomas in His time.
All our love,
Brad and Janay

Monday, December 7, 2015

Going on 4 hours of waiting for the doc......

He is being such a trooper....and so is his daddy!  Going on 4+ hours of waiting to see the doc....Dr. Paley is a popular guy!  Hang in there, buddy!

A sweet message

Thank you, Mrs. Wszolek and 1B for making John Thomas' morning!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

And they're off!

Brad took this picture at Love Field this out Florida- Mr. Man is on his way!