Thursday, December 29, 2016

Oh What a Difference a Year Makes!

It will  be a year tomorrow that John Thomas had the fixator surgery.  What a difference a year makes!  Brad and I were remembering back and talking about those months after the fixator. The stay in the hospital, the first attempt to get into a car, the plane ride home, the gruesome pin cleanings.  It was beyond horrific!  This year has been one that we will always remember but are so ready to forget. 

A short time after the fixator was removed in April, I lost my Mom.  I was actually in Florida for a follow up doctor visit with John Thomas when she passed away peacefully in her sleep.  Not long after that, Brad lost his cousin.  Some of our dearest friends have lost a parent, had a miscarriage, lost a beloved pet, had a parent undergo life threatening surgery. we dare hope that life will be different in 2017?  Do we dare hope that John Thomas will be fully healed in 2 weeks when he returns to Florida?  As my mom would say, "YOU BET we do!".  Isaiah 40:31 states...

God has placed some amazing people in our lives to help us through these times.  We couldn't have gotten through this year without our precious friends and family. Please join us in praying for a full recovery for our Mr. Man.  Brad will take him to Florida to meet with Dr. Feldman on Jan. 12th.  He will have x-rays and a physical exam.  Our prayer is for complete healing.  Scottish Rite doctors said he would need to be in a wheelchair for 3 years, but the mighty Healer had a different plan.  This month marks 2 years we've been on this journey.  We are praying that John Thomas will soon be able to run, jump, skip, hop....everything that an 8 year boy loves to do!  He is currently on a basketball team with some of friends from school.  Coach Baird has been amazing in finding ways for him to be able to participate with the doctor's restrictions.  We know that only a little while longer until he can take BIG STEPS on the basketball court and everywhere else he wishes to go. We can see the finish line....the race is almost over....and we can't wait to finish #jtstrong!



#GodIsFaithful                                            #jtstrong                                          #eyeofthetiger
All our love,
Brad and Janay